Nexus #4
The fourth issue of volume 2 of Mike Baron and Steve Rude's science fiction series Nexus, the story of a man driven by his dreams to kill mass murderers. The letters column, "What It Is," features a letter from Harlan Ellison. In it he talks about receiving the first two issues and begins by praising their production and design, especially the color. He does criticize some of Steve Rude's panel to panel storytelling, a failure in "skip-logic"--jumps in continuity when switching between characters--a criticism he also gave to Fish Police #5 so it might have been very much on his mind looking at comics in the 1980s. He is also a bit let down by the failures in logic of some of the worldbuilding and science. But ends by praising the book. In a response, writer Mike Baron talks about sending an unsolicited submission for the Last Dangerous Visions, and how amazingly Ellison actually sent a response six months later with a two-page single spaced critique.