Avengers Omnibus 4

Publisher (Indicia)
Marvel Worldwide, Inc.
Place of Publication
New York, NY
864 pages

Part of Marvel Comics' Omnibus line of oversized hardcover collections which reprinted long runs of their comics. This Fourth volume collects The Avengers #89-119 along with the related issues Daredevil (1964) #99, and The Defenders (1972) #8-11. This includes Ellison's story "Five Dooms To Save Tomorrow" from Avengers #101.

Other Content

Art and color restoration: All Thumbs Creative (The Avengers #89-109 & Daredevil #99) and Dale Crain & Sheila Johnson (The Avengers #119-119 & The Defenders #8-11)


Marvel Comics' Omnibus collections come with variant collections, generally one with new art for the main bookstore market and one with a classic cover image for the direct market. This volume comes with a new cover by artist Art Adams and, for the direct market, a cover reprinting Neal Adams' and Tom Palmer's cover for Avengers (1963) #93.