Shadow Show: Stories In Celebration Of Ray Bradbury
Tradepaperback collection of the series Shadow Show: Stories In Celebration Of Ray Bradbury, which featured comic adaptations of stories from the short story collection Shadow Show: All-New Stories In Celebration Of Ray Bradbury, edited by Sam Weller and Mort Castle (2012, William Morrow). The series adapted eight stories from the anthology, but reprints Harlan Ellison's story "Weariness" in its original text form. The main difference is that the comic (and this collection) print in color the painting "Nirvana" by Hubert J. Daniel, which inspired the story. The original anthology only printed a thumbnail sized, black-&-white image of the painting. This collection prints the painting twice: once across the first page of HE's story, as in the original comic, and again across two-pages in a gallery of cover art at the back of the collection. The second text piece by HE, "Harlan Ellison Talks About Weariness," also appeared, in a longer version, in the original anthology.
The collection features stories from all four issues of the Shadow Show limited series including: "By The Silver Water of Lake Champlain" by Joe Hill, adapted by Jason Ciaramella with art by Charles Paul Wilson III; "The Man Who Forgot Ray Bradbury" by Neil Gaiman, adapted by Mort Castle with art by Maria Frohlich; "Backward in Seville" by Audrey Niffenegger with art by Eddie Campbell; "Live Forever!" by Sam Weller with art by Mark Sexton; "Who Knocks?" by Dave Eggers, adapted by Sam Weller with art by Matthew Dow Smith; "Earth (A Gift Shop)" by Charles Yu, adapted by Mort Castle with art by Christine Larsen; "Altenmoor, Where the Dogs Dance" by Mort Castle with art by S L Gallant, Juan Castro, and Simon Gough; and "Conjure" by Alice Hoffman, adapted by Mort Castle and Sam Weller with art by Chris Evenhus. It also features a gallery of cover art (printed without trade dress) by Shane Pierce, Gabriel Rodriguez, Charles Paul Wilson III, Christian Wildgoose, Sarah Stone, and Chris Evenhus.