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Wildfire was the thirteenth, and final, episode of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, an animated series based on Mark Shultz' comic Xenozoic Tales. Wildfire had a story by Harlan Ellison and a script by series co-creator David Wise. The series was set in the year 2135 and featured Jack Tenrec, an ecological freedom fighter, and ambassador Hannah Dundee, who hires Jack as a liason. They have adventures in a future world populated with Dinosaurs, primarily traveling in Jack's Cadillac (he has a passion for restoring old cars.)

The plot of "Wildfire" is described by Wikipedia thusly: "Hannah manages to maneuver Jack's Cadillac past an earthquake area. Hammer sets fire to the jungle with dynamite. As Jack investigates the fire, Wilhelmina assigns him to deliver nitroglycerin to blow the canyon escorted by the poachers and Mustapha. The convoy runs into a sick Tree Grazer, but Hannah helps it. The convoy manages to cross an unstable bridge and avoid Laschard. Hammer loses one of the trucks. At the river, Hammer tries to dispose of Jack, but he and Hannah fire at them. Hammer recruits Laschard to assist him. With more pursuing, Hannah drives the Cadillac and crashes into the canyon wall, blocking the fire."

Date Of First Appearance
January 28, 1994
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