About Sequential Ellison

SEQUENTIAL ELLISON is my ongoing project collecting information on the Comic Book work either written by or adapted from the work of Harlan Ellison, as well as various comic book related Ellison-miscellanea. From Underground Comix to a microscopic Incredible Hulk. From anthologies of his short stories to introductions to some of the best graphic novels of the 20th century. Harlan Ellison (1934-2018) was a writer of speculative fiction, television dramas, and, occasionally, comic books. From his first published work (a fan letter in a 1947 issue of Real Fact Comics) to a 2015 adaptation of his script for an unfilmed episode of the late-60s Batman television show. This site has is the result of a growing bibliography of his comics and comics related work that has been updating and evolving since 1994.

The List

This bibliography is a working document. It began as a post-college experiment on Usenet (long live rec.arts.comics) in 1994 and and would currently be considered version 11 or 12 if I'd kept numbering static versions. Its first regular website launched in the fall of 1998 and went through a few redesigns. Then in 2007 it evolved in to web 2.0 as a WordPress site. As technology has changed, and the technical aspects of my job in libraries has challenged me into new places, it is now entered the world of Drupal in a new form I'm very proud of.

Please do remember this is a working document. I have physically confirmed as many of the details here as possible, and am working to develop a list of primary resources backing up any information not found on the objects themselves. It is as accurate as I can make it with the information available to me.

If you have any questions, comments, corrections, or additions, please, do not hesitate to contact me.


We were once listed as a “Cool Site To Visit” at Collecting Comics.Com a website that no longer exists. But still, cool. And in November 2000 Harlan Ellison called me, just after I got home from the hospital ,to say I was strange and ask for printouts of the entire site. But that is a surreal story write about in a longer form later.

Who Am I?

I am currently Chris Day, a Metadata Librarian at discoverygarden.ca and previously the Digital Resources Librarian at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for 13 years. I also do some freelance work for TwoMorrows Publishing, for whom I design and layout Roy Thomas’ magazine Alter Ego. And for twenty years I performed improv around Chicago at the improvOlympic, the Annoyance Theater, and Laugh Out Loud Theater. You can reach me at chris @ chrisdaydesign.com or through the contact form on this site.


My father was the one who loved Harlan Ellison, at least partially because they were both from Painesville, Ohio. John was the one who first shared Ellison with me and the first postings of the Bibliography on usenet were on his account and based on his comics and his comics of Leslie Kay Swigart's Harlan Ellison: A Bibliographical Checklist that I started this project with. I dedicate this project to him and all that he has shared with me over the course of my life.